– Added a way to join / add servers via links, for server promotion purposes – MANY languages were added! If you find an error, please email us at – Any other errors, please send an email to or visit – Fixed a bug that allowed you to play as a blank username – Renewed design of the new features of our website. You get masks, which everyone can see 🙂 You can’t get that with any broken initiator. – Please, if you enjoy this game, consider buying it if possible. – With the update to the latest sources, you can now choose to play older alpha and beta versions of Minecraft – Forge now works for 1.8 along with all the newest modifications that exist – Updated startup sources for the latest Minecraft launcher (1.6.11) – Unnecessary dependencies were eliminated – The way in which the user name data is stored was modified – Corrected the problem of achievement savings – Fixed the UUID problem and now issues a static UUID per username

– Added the ability to save user names so you don’t have to type them – The existing user login pop-up that caused many problems with – Considering adding more topics undecided – Fixed a problem where profiles were being removed – Update the news URL and add the server list placeholder – Corrected incompatibility with 1.13 forge and above Registration change v4,400 (January 31, 2020) I attach the changelog translated into Spanish so you can check it here whenever you want.
Mac launcher for windows 10 mac os x#
Mac OS X = ~ / Library / Application Support / minecraft Changelog.txt In $ RunnableAdapter.call (source unknown) Report this to please!Īt .cleanOldNatives (GameLauncher.java:515)Īt .launchGame (GameLauncher.java:360)Īt .onDownloadJobFinished (GameLauncher.java:693)Īt. (DownloadJob.java:124)Īt. $ 000 (DownloadJob.java:15)Īt .download.DownloadJob $ 1.run (DownloadJob.java:94) The ‘Version and libraries’ task was successfully completedįatal error when starting the game.

To see if you’re affected by the error, a sample error is provided: There is a common error that makes the game not start correctly and turns off the “play” button.